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20 Oct

Teenagers Are Quitting HS Sports Due to Body Image Concerns Driven by Social Media

More teens are quitting HS sports saying they don’t look right for the sports based on what they see in the media and social media, according to a new study.

19 Oct

COVID-19 Linked to Increased Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a Rare but Serious Autoimmune Disorder, New Study Finds

In a new study, participants recently infected with COVID-19 were six times more likely to develop Guillain-Barré syndrome, where the immune system attacks the nerves.

18 Oct

Adult ADHD Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia

A new study finds adults with ADHD are nearly 3 times more likely to develop dementia compared to those without the condition.

Inherited Alzheimer's: Whether It's From Mom or Dad Could Matter

Inherited Alzheimer's: Whether It's From Mom or Dad Could Matter

Genetics can play a role in a person's odds for Alzheimer's disease, and new research suggests differences in that risk are based on which parent had the illness.

In a study of 4,400 people still "cognitively unimpaired," there was higher buildup of amyloid protein plaques in the brain (a hallmark of Alzheimer's) if either the person's mot...

Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Sites

Surgeon General Calls for Warning Labels on Social Media Sites

The U.S. Surgeon General announced Monday that he will push for warning labels on all social media platforms, stating that they may harm teens' mental health.

"The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency -- and social media has emerged as an important contributor," Dr. Vivek Murthy wrote in an essay published Monday in the ...

Trouble Getting Your Kids to Sleep? You're Not Alone, Poll Finds

Trouble Getting Your Kids to Sleep? You're Not Alone, Poll Finds

Nearly 1 in 4 parents struggle to get their child to sleep, a new poll reports.

Some of this is related to poor sleep hygiene, but some also is due to dark worries harbored by the kids, researchers report.

Parents of sleepless children are less likely to have a bedtime routine, more likely to leave on a video or TV show and more like...

There May Be 6 Types of Depression, and Brain Scans Can Sort Them Out

There May Be 6 Types of Depression, and Brain Scans Can Sort Them Out

Depression can be sorted into six distinct types using brain scans, a revelation that could improve treatment for many suffering the debilitating mood disorder.

Researchers analyzed brain scans to identify six different biological types of depression, based on differences in patterns of brain activity, according to results published June 1...

Getting Your Exercise in Nature May Bring Added Benefits

Getting Your Exercise in Nature May Bring Added Benefits

Exercising in natural surroundings -- a jog through a park, a bicycle ride along a trail -- could be more beneficial than working out indoors, a new review suggests.

However, access to natural areas that are public varies widely, with not everyone having the chance to exercise outdoors, the investigators noted.

“The research is cle...

Rate of Chronic High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Doubled in U.S. Since 2008

Rate of Chronic High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy Doubled in U.S. Since 2008

The number of pregnant women with chronic high blood pressure doubled during the past decade and a half, but treatment remains low among them, a new study found.

About 3.7% of pregnant women were diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2021, up from 1.8% in 2008, researchers said.

However, prescriptions handed out to pregnant women for...

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