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Resultados de su búsqueda "Bladder Infections".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 12

People with recurring urinary tract infections frequently have persistent pain, even after antibiotics have cleared the harmful bacteria from their system.

Now, researchers have figured out why this perplexing problem occurs.

It appears that an overgrowth of highly sensitive nerve cells can occur in the bladder as a result of frequent UTIs, researchers report March 1 in the journal ...

MONDAY, Feb. 12, 2024 (Healthday News) -- Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III, who spent time in intensive care last month for complications related to prostate cancer surgery performed in December, has returned to the hospital with bladder issues, the Pentagon announced Sunday.

"Tonight, after a series of tests and evaluations, the Secretary was admitted into the critical care unit at Wal...

For some older women, recurring urinary tract infections -- and the antibiotics typically prescribed for them -- become a fact of life, but a new study offers a novel treatment that may deliver relief.

Called electrofulguration, the minimally invasive procedure essentially zaps and eliminates inflamed, infected bladder tissue. In the study, it was found to be effective for a number of wom...

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a resurgence in other infections that strike hospitalized patients, a U.S. government study finds.

The study, by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, highlights the broad toll the pandemic has taken. It found that rates of several types of hospital-acquired infections rose after the pandemic reached U.S. shores in 2020.

More hospital...

Women who try to hold their pee during the day might want to rethink that strategy.

It's time to "get up and go," according to the Urology Care Foundation, which is encouraging women to be proactive about their urological health.

That, of course, means get up and go to the bathroom if you need to. But the foundation also suggests a number of activities a woman can get up and go...

Many women suffer through countless urinary tract infections (UTIs), but a new study in mice offers hope that a vaccine could one day bring their nightmares to an end.

"Although several vaccines against UTIs have been investigated in clinical trials, they have so far had limited success," said senior study author Soman Abraham, a professor of pathology, immunology and molecular genetics &...

A new study provides further evidence that people with certain blood types may be more likely to contract COVID-19.

Specifically, it found that the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is particularly attracted to the blood group A antigen found on respiratory cells.

The researchers focused on a protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus called the receptor binding domain (RBD), which i...

Most folks are familiar with the havoc that high pollen levels can wreak on their lungs, but new research suggests they can also exacerbate a painful pelvic condition in some people.

"Our study provides evidence to suggest increased pollen counts may trigger symptom flares in people living with UCPPS [urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome]," said researcher Siobhan Sutcliffe, of Washingto...

If you smoke, you significantly increase your odds of developing bladder cancer, experts warn.

"Everyone knows smoking causes lung cancer, but they don't always know about bladder cancer," said Dr. Srinivas Vourganti, a urologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago who specializes in treating bladder and other urinary tract cancers.

Smoking causes more than half of all case...

Learning how to control the urge to urinate may be all the therapy men need to treat an overactive bladder, a new study suggests.

A combination of drugs and behavioral therapy seems to work better than drugs alone, but behavioral therapy alone also worked better than drugs, the researchers found.

The trial of 204 men with overactive bladder suggests behavioral therapy may b...

The widely used bladder drug Elmiron may cause eye damage, a new study claims.

A report released last year suggested that the drug -- known as pentosan polysulfate sodium and used by hundreds of thousands of people for decades -- may be toxic to the retina, the light-sensing tissue at the back of the eye.

That led researchers to examine a database of 4.3 million patients at ...

Adults aren't the only ones susceptible to urinary tract infections, or UTIs. They can occur in kids, even infants, if bacteria get into the urinary tract, often from the bowel.

Any child can get a UTI. But some kids are more prone than others, and girls get them more often than boys.

A UTI doesn't always cause symptoms, and a very young child can't voice his or her discomfo...