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4 Resultados de su búsqueda "Exercise: Gym".

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Every Saturday morning for nearly 10 years, I faithfully made my way to a funky building in a run-down part of San Francisco, along with 50 other hardcore devotees. At an hour when most fellow urbanites hadn't yet contemplated their first low-fat latte, we embarked on a spiritual journey of sorts. We worshiped with a master of secular ecstasy named Paul. Paul -- part therapist, part lust object -...

What is cardio kickboxing? All the rage at fitness centers around the country, this workout borrows moves from the Thai sport of kickboxing to make participants work up a sweat. A typical hour-long class will take place in the center's aerobics studio. With everyone facing the mirror, a teacher leads the group through specific punches and kicks, usually to the beat of dance-club music. The moves ...

Not surprisingly, people living in Boulder, Colorado, have access to some pretty decent rocks. Climbers come from all around to scale the famous Flatirons and other stretches of sandstone or granite in this part of the Rockies. But the mountains aren't the only game in town. In recent years, many serious -- and not so serious -- rock climbers have taken their sport to the great indoors. Climbing ...

Is a stair climber a good choice for getting in shape? Climbing stairs gives you an effective lower-body workout as you lift your weight with every step. For this reason, one of the most common weight-loss tips is to take the stairs instead of the elevator. Working out on a stair machine is even better. Unlike the occasional burst of work required to climb actual flights of stairs, a stair machine...