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Resultados de su búsqueda "Exercise: Cycling".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 30

People who regularly ride bikes throughout their life are less likely to develop knee arthritis, a new study suggests.

Bicyclists are 17% less likely to have knee pain and 21% less likely to have symptoms of knee arthritis, compared to people who've never biked, researchers discovered.

It also appears that people who've biked all their lives have a lower risk of knee arthritis than ...

If mountain biking is your exercise of choice, go for it.

A new study finds that the benefits of this sport outweigh the risks, dashing a common view that it's always dangerous, injury-inducing and meant for thrill seekers.

“Mountain biking and hiking a...

As the weather warms, folks are bringing out their bicycles for a ride.

That's great, but it's important to be ready for a safe biking season: The national rate of bike accidents is two fatal crashes and 2,630 accidents requiring emergency room visits every week.

Angela Mountz, community car seat saf...

That e-bike might make hilly rides a lot more fun, but it's not improving your fitness the way a good old-fashioned bicycle would, a new study shows.

People riding e-bikes are 44% less likely to reach weekly targets for physical activity than those on regular bicycles, according to a re...

Over 1 million U.S. children and teens — many of them male — have broken bones and fractured their skulls in bicycle injuries over the past 20 years, according to new research that brought together two decades of data.

Boys aged 10 to 15 were particularly at risk. Nearly 87% of kids with

Wearing a bike helmet can save the life of your young child or teenager, but it needs to fit well to really do its job.

A well-fitting bike helmet significantly reduces the odds of serious head injury or death due to a bicycle, scooter or skateboard accident, experts say.

Children's Hospital Los Angeles offers some tips for getting a helmet that's neither too small nor too loose, w...

Worried that a COVID-19 vaccine might hamper your workout? New research suggests you can hit the gym with minimal effects.

In a study of 18 healthy people who received a COVID-19 vaccine, the participants were monitored while they did cycling workouts before and two to three weeks after being fully vaccinated.

The researchers also conducted exercise tests in a control group of ...

Dirty air could cancel out some of the brain benefits of exercise, a new study suggests.

"Physical activity is associated with improved markers of brain health in areas with lower air pollution," said study author Melissa Furlong. "However, some beneficial effects essentially disappeared for vigorous physical activity in areas with the highest levels of air pollution." Furlong is an envir...

Contrary to long-held wisdom, teen athletes recover from concussions sooner if they do light aerobic exercise rather than resting in a dark room, new research suggests.

Instead of so-called "cocoon therapy," new research-supported therapy has young concussion patients getting out of bed and doing protected exercise earlier.

"What the research found was that adolescents were having a...

In yet another example of the cost of the pandemic, a new study finds there were significant increases in bicycle- and gun-related injuries during coronavirus lockdowns in the United States, but a decrease in traffic injuries.

Researchers analyzed data on more than 27,600 trauma cases at four Level I trauma centers in Orange County, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; Tulsa, Okla., and Miami between ...

Football and other contact sports get a lot of attention for their injury hazards. But for most adults, bike riding is the biggest back-breaker, a new study suggests.

Of more than 12,000 sports-related spinal injuries among U.S. adults, researchers found that a full 81% were due to bicycling mishaps. The injuries mostly included vertebral fractures, often in the neck but also in the middl...

After a stroke, survivors can greatly increase their odds for many more years of life through activities as easy as a half-hour's stroll each day, new research shows.

The nearly five-year-long Canadian study found that stroke survivors who walked or gardened at least three to four hours a week (about 30 minutes a day), cycled at least two to three hours per week, or got an equivalent amou...

There's good news and bad on rates of head injuries among America's bike-riding public: Rates for these injuries have sharply declined among kids but barely budged among the growing number of adult bike riders.

Between 2009 and 2018, increasing helmet use, construction of dedicated bike lanes in cities and other safety interventions have greatly reduced bike-related traumatic brain injur...

Dialysis is time-consuming, making it hard for kidney failure patients to keep fit. But cycling during treatment sessions could boost patients' heart health and cut medical costs, new research shows.

Dialysis can lead to long-term scarring of the heart, which can eventually lead to heart failure, so British researchers decided to find out if exercise could reduce these side effects.

You're about to hop on an exercise bike and peddle your heart out, but will having to wear a face mask make it harder to breathe while you work out?

Not according to new research that suggests healthy people can safely wear a face mask while doing vigorous exercise.

The scientists assessed the breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen levels of 12 volunteers as the...

Fireworks, skateboards and button batteries are among the products associated with increased trips to the emergency room during the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

While ER treatment of product-related injuries fell by about a quarter between March and September of last year, a new report pointed to surges for...

Want to live longer? Take the stairs, stretch or toss a volleyball around, a new study suggests.

Those activities were among several tied to lower rates of early death in an Arizona State University study of nearly 27,000 U.S. adults between 18 and 84 years of age.

Researchers wondered which of the more socially oriented exercises -- such as team sports -- contribute to lon...

If you have trouble sleeping after heart bypass surgery, regular morning walks may provide relief, a new study suggests.

"Many patients have trouble sleeping after heart bypass surgery," said researcher Dr. Hady Atef, of Cairo University in Egypt.

"When this persists beyond six months, it exacerbates the heart condition and puts patients at risk of having to repeat the surg...

Walking or biking to work may lower your risk of getting sick or dying early, British researchers report.

"As large numbers of people begin to return to work as the COVID-19 lockdown eases, it is a good time for everyone to rethink their transport choices," said lead researcher Richard Patterson, from the MRC Epidemiology Unit at the University of Cambridge. Scientists from Imperial C...

Do you ride your bike to work? If you don't, maybe you should.

Why? People who commute by bicycle are at lower risk of dying early, a new study from New Zealand finds.

Researchers from the University of Otago, Wellington, the University of Melbourne and the University of Auckland found that those who cycled to work had a 13% reduction in death during the study period.

Very fit American adults enjoy a wider range of physical activities than those who are less active, a new study finds.

The findings could help point to ways to boost physical activity in adults, according to the researchers.

Data gathered from more than 9,800 adults nationwide between 2003 and 2006 showed that those who were active had done at least two different activities...

Leave your car in the garage if you can: A new study suggests that walking or biking to work could cut your risk of a heart attack.

The researchers analyzed 2011 data from 43 million working adults in England and found that 11.4% were active commuters, with 8.6% walking to work and 2.8% cycling to work.

In areas where walking or cycling to work were more common i...

More bicyclists on the road make cycling safer, but head and face injuries still occur, a new study finds.

From 2008 to 2017, even as the number of bike riders increased, the number of head and face injuries stayed steady, according to researchers from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

"We believe this may be due to a safety-in-numbers phenomenon, whereby increased public...

Only about one in five U.S. adults and one in 10 children and teens who suffered head and neck injuries in cycling crashes said they wore a helmet, a new study finds.

An analysis of data from more than 76,000 cyclists nationwide who experienced such injuries between 2002 and 2012 found that only 21% of men, 28% of women and 12% of younger riders had been wearing a helmet.<...

Just a little exercise may help protect you against a type of deadly bleeding stroke, a new study suggests.

As many as half of people who suffer a subarachnoid hemorrhage die within three months.

While smoking and high blood pressure have been shown to increase the risk of this deadly stroke, there has been little evidence on whether exercise can help reduce it.


Here's a finding that should ease the minds of those who ride their bicycles to work: Bike lanes protect them as they pedal to their destination.

Researchers found they act as a calming mechanism on traffic, slowing cars and reducing deaths.

The researchers analyzed 13 years of data from 12 U.S. cities: Oklahoma City, Memphis, Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Houston, Austin, Chica...

MONDAY, May 20, 2019 (HealthDay News) -- Many American kids don't don helmets when biking, skateboarding and riding scooters, a troubling new poll finds.

Among more than 1,300 parents surveyed, 18% said their kids never wear helmets while biking, 58% said their kids don't wear helmets while skateboarding, and 61% said their children don't wear helmets when riding scooters...

Being obese and commuting by car can be a deadly mix, a new study warns.

Researchers analyzed data on more than 163,000 adults, aged 37 to 73, in the United Kingdom. The participants were followed for an average of five years.

Compared to people of normal weight who walked or cycled to work (active commuters), those who were obese and commuted by car had a 32% higher ris...

Sometimes, it's just not possible to fit in a workout in the morning or afternoon. But if you hit the gym in the evening, will you be up half the night?

New research says no. The Australian study found that 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training didn't have any negative impact on sleep.

In other good news, the researchers said the exercise session also seemed to que...

Just a few exercise breaks -- or "snacks" -- a day can provide significant benefits, a new study says.

Specifically, it found that short sessions of intense stair climbing spaced throughout the day can improve heart and lung (cardiorespiratory) fitness.

"The findings make it even easier for people to incorporate 'exercise snacks' into their day," said study senior author Ma...