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Results for search "Migraine".

Health News Results - 65

It's a nasty cycle: Chronic migraine sufferers who use too much pain medication sometimes get smacked with rebound headaches.

But new research suggests that a medication commonly used to prevent migraines may also help fend off rebound headaches. 

The study of ...

When there's pain, pressure and pounding in your head, you might think the worst: Is it a brain tumor?

Probably not, a Penn State physician assures. 

Headache in and of itself is not a common sign of a tumor, because the brain itself doesn't feel pain, said Dr. John Messmer, medical director at Penn State H...

Nerve surgery can reduce the number of headache days for people who suffer frequent migraines, a new review finds.

The procedure also can decrease the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks, according to results published in the June issue of the journal

Climate change is likely to make brain conditions like stroke, migraine, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis even worse, a new review warns.

The potential effects of a changing climate is likely to be substantial on a range of neurological conditions, researche...

People taking heartburn meds have a higher risk of migraines and other types of severe headaches, a new study warns.

All classes of acid-reducing drugs -- proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers, and even antacids -- appear to promote an increased risk of migraine and headache, results show.

“Given the wide usage of acid-reducing drugs and these potential implications with migraine, t...

Among U.S. women with migraine, a third say the attacks tend to coincide with their periods, a new survey finds.

Migraines that occur during menstruation are often frequent and severe, but only about one in five respondents said they used medications aimed at preventing the headaches.

“If you have migraines related to your menstrual cycle, discuss this with your gynecologist or n...

Migraines in young adults appear to increase their risk of stroke more than traditional risk factors like high blood pressure, a new study reports.

Results show that migraine is the most important non-traditional risk factor for stroke among adults ages 18 to 34, accounting for 20% of strokes in men and nearly 35% in women.

Overall, non-traditional risk factors were associated with ...

Astronauts who have never had headaches may develop migraines and other tension-type headaches for the first time when they go into space.

A side effect of zero gravity, these headaches start with motion sickness as astronauts adapt to long-haul space flight, according to new research published March 13 in the journal

  • Carole Tanzer Miller HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 15, 2024
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  • Vaping and skipped meals appear to be the main causes of frequent headaches among teens, a new study says.

    Teens who ate breakfast and dinner with their family had a lower risk of frequent headaches than those who regularly missed meals, researchers report Feb. 28 in the journal Neurology.

    Meanwhile, vaping also was associated with frequent headaches for those 12 to 17, res...

    As if painful migraines, hot flashes and night sweats weren't bad enough, many women in menopause are facing a significantly bigger threat.

    New research suggests that women with both migraines and vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and night sweats) are significantly more likely to develop heart disease or have a stroke.

    "There is a critical need to further refine existing cardiovascul...

    Factors like sleep, energy levels and stress can predict the onset of a migraine headache, a new study finds.

    Those factors differed from the morning to the afternoon and evening, however.

    Poor perceived sleep quality, lower-than-usual quality of sleep and lower-than-usual energy levels are associated with a morning migraine, according to the report published online Jan. 24 in the j...

    Migraines are not only extremely painful, but they also appear to pose a driving risk for seniors, a new study warns.

    Older adult drivers recently diagnosed with migraines are three times more likely to be involved in a car crash, researchers reported recently in the

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 5, 2024
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  • Migraine sufferers would do better to talk to their doctor about a prescription drug than reaching for a bottle of ibuprofen, a new study finds.

    Drugs like triptans, ergots and anti-emetics can be two to five times more effective for treating migraines than ibuprofen, according to a report published Nov. 30 in the journal Neurology.

    “These results confirm that triptans sh...

    Psilocybin, the active ingredient in "magic" mushrooms, is getting renewed interest as a potential treatment for various health conditions. Now, a new research review argues that migraines should be added to that list.

    Psilocybin mushrooms have long been used recreationally as hallucinogens -- meaning they alter users' perceptions of their surroundings. That can lead to euphoria on one en...

    A nasal spray containing ketamine might help relieve migraine headaches when other treatments fail, a new study suggests.

    Ketamine is a synthetic anesthetic with hallucinogenic effects that is sometimes used intravenously for migraine headaches. It's being tried for treatment-resistant depression, too. But it's also a potentially addictive "party" drug so it is not for everyone.


    Your body's internal clock appears to play a big part in the time of day when severe headaches happen.

    Migraines and cluster headaches have different characteristics and treatments, but experts have long noted that they share key features: Both are neurological diseases in their own right, rather than symptoms of another underlying condition. And because neither can be easily identified ...

    Migraine sufferers will soon have a new treatment option that works more quickly and may be safer for people at risk of heart attack or stroke.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Pfizer Inc.'s zavegepant (Zavzpret), a nasal spray meant to treat severe headache pain, the company announced Friday.

    “The FDA approval of Zavzpret marks a significant breakthrough for pe...

    Many women experience blinding migraine headaches around their monthly period, and now researchers have a clue about why.

    Levels of the female hormone estrogen fluctuate during menstruation, which may lead to increases in calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). This protein widens blood vessels in the brain, which is part of the cascade of events that cause migraines.

    “Women with ...

    Having short, painful headaches for many days or even weeks in a row may signal that you're more likely to have other medical woes, researchers say.

    These "cluster headaches" are extremely painful and can last from 15 minutes to three hours at a time. And people who have them may be more than three times more likely to have other medical conditions, such as heart disease or mental disorde...

    A history of migraine headaches could make a woman more prone to pregnancy complications, such as issues with blood pressure or preterm birth, according to a new study.

    "We now know migraines may be an underrecognized risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes," said study co-author Dr. Natalie Bello, director of hypertension research in the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai in Los An...

    Add more frequent headaches in kids who are already vulnerable to them to the list of ills associated with the pandemic.

    Before the pandemic, 60% of kids reported headaches on less than 15 days of the month. After the start of the pandemic, this number fell to 50%. W...

    If you suffer from headaches, you have plenty of company.

    Headaches afflict half of the world's population, and women are more likely to get them than men, a new paper says.

    "We found that the prevalence of headache disorders remains high worldwide and the burden of different types may impact many. We should endeavor to reduce this burden through prevention and better treatment," sa...

    Women with migraine may have a higher risk of preeclampsia and other pregnancy complications, a new study suggests.

    The researchers looked at more than 30,000 pregnancies in about 19,000 women over a 20-year period.

    "Roughly 20% of women of childbearing age experience migraine, but the impact of migraine on pregnanc...

    People who live with chronic migraines suffer intense throbbing and pulsing, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting.

    Could a plant-based diet, credited with a variety of positive health impacts, also help ease these chronic symptoms?

    It might.

    Researchers in New York have published a case study of one man with severe chronic migraines who had tried everything to c...

    Do migraines cause poor sleep or does poor sleep cause migraines?

    Though it's hard to say, it does appear that there's a difference in how well people with migraine think they sleep and how well they really do.

    A large research analysis published online Sept. 22 in the journal Neurology found that adults and children with migraine headaches may get less quality REM sleep t...

    Women with a history of migraine headaches may suffer severe hot flashes during menopause, and this combo may boost their risk for heart disease, researchers say.

    Migraine doesn't cause more or worse hot flashes -- or vice versa. But both are believed to be related to changes in blood vessels known as neurovascular dysregulation, according to Dr. Stephanie Faubion, medical director of the...

    A new pill specifically designed to prevent migraines appears to do the job, a new clinical trial finds.

    Atogepant cut patients' migraine days in half over 12 weeks of treatment, without causing serious side effects, the researchers said.

    Experts said the drug, if approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, would give migraine sufferers a welcome new option.

    "There's a ...

    Roller coasters race up, down, over and back again at breakneck speeds, but if you are one of the millions of people who get migraines, the risks may not be worth the thrill.

    A new study by German researchers shows that folks who get migraines will more likely feel motion sickness and dizziness after a virtual roller coaster ride, compared with people who don't get these blinding headache...

    The causes of a type of excruciating headache known as cluster headaches aren't clear, but heredity is known to play a role. Now, genetic factors associated with cluster headaches are under investigation as scientists search for more effective treatments.

    Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden analyzed blood samples from more than 600 people with cluster headaches. They li...

    Eating lots of fatty fish and cutting out polyunsaturated fats may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines, a new study suggests.

    Omega-3 fatty acids from fish like tuna, salmon, bluefish and mackerel may help manage migraine, especially in tandem with eliminating omega-6 fatty acids from vegetable oils, the researchers found.

    "It's moderate evidence that diet changes can de...

    Women who suffer from migraines may be more vulnerable to pregnancy complications, new research finds.

    "Our study confirms that women who suffer from migraine are at a greater risk of a host of medical and obstetric complications. As such, we are [recommending] that these women should be classed as 'high-risk' pregnancies and should therefore be treated according to a high-risk protocol,"...

    A new research review offers good news for migraine sufferers: There are more pain-relieving options than ever.

    In an analysis of over 100 published studies, researchers found that several drug classes showed good evidence they ease the pain of a migraine-in-progress.

    Some of those medications have only become available in the past few years, opening up new options for migraine suff...

    The color of your skin may very well determine how your headache gets treated, a new study warns.

    The same percentage of white, Black and Hispanic Americans - about 15% - suffer from severe headaches and/or migraines, the investigators noted.

    But the current analysis, conducted by 16 headache disorder experts, found that Black men are far less likely to receive headache treatment; t...

    Serious cases of "long-haul COVID-19" are rare in patients who were not hospitalized after their infection, but these patients still report more doctor or health care visits after recovery,. Danish researchers report.

    The new six-month study found that COVID patients who were not hospitalized had small increased risks of blood clots and breathing difficulties. They were also more likely t...

    Many conditions can trigger vertigo and the first step in treating it is to find out what's causing it, an expert says.

    Middle ear fluid, dislodged crystals in the inner ear, Meniere's disease, vestibular neuritis and vestibular migraine all can cause vertigo, according to Dr. Mina Le. She is an otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon with Mountainside Medical Group in New Jersey.


    If you suffered migraine headaches before menopause, you're at higher risk for high blood pressure once your periods stop, a new study warns.

    Migraines occur more often in women than men, and are most common in the years before menopause, according to study author Gianluca Severi of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research in Paris.

    "Doctors may want to consider ...

    If you decide to try pot to relieve your migraine, new research suggests you could be asking for trouble.

    In fact, marijuana use was linked to rebound headaches, which can occur when pain medication is overused, scientists noted.

    "This study shows that there is some kind of association between cannabis use and medication overuse headache in people with chronic migraine, but it is un...

    Anyone who gets frequent migraine symptoms knows the experience: the throbbing, the pain, the visual disturbances.

    Exercise has long been a potential way to reduce migraine triggers, but a new study suggests it could be an especially effective with triggers such stress, depression and trouble sleeping.

    "It's a complex relationship, but we know that exercise, generally speaking, help...

    As worldwide obesity rates continue to soar, new research shows that growing numbers of people are developing a potentially blinding type of weight-linked headache that was once considered rare.

    Though the study was conducted in Wales, one U.S. expert said the same surge in these headaches is likely happening in this country and elsewhere, but he cautioned that just because someone is obe...

    A mind-body practice that combines meditation and yoga might help people better manage migraine pain, a new clinical trial finds.

    The trial, which tested the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), found that the approach helped relieve migraine sufferers' depression and disability. It also boosted how they rated their quality of life.

    MBSR is a standardized, eight-wee...

    Later school start times for teenagers might help those who struggle with migraines, a new study suggests.

    Starting school later in the morning could reduce the number of migraines each month for these students, the researchers said. The delayed start would be a nod to teens' later-to-bed, later-to-rise body clocks.

    "Evidence suggests that there is a relationship between sleep and ...

    Could migraine risk be affected by sexual orientation? A new study suggests that the answer may be yes.

    After tracking migraines among thousands of American adults, investigators found that men and women who identify as gay, bisexual or mostly but not exclusively heterosexual have a notably higher migraine risk.

    "Lesbian, gay or bisexual individuals were 58% more ...

    Many women with severe migraines don't want to get pregnant because of concerns about their headaches, a new study finds.

    Migraine, one of the world's leading causes of disability, particularly affects women of childbearing age.

    Researchers surveyed 607 U.S. women afflicted with severe migraines. One in 5 said they're avoiding pregnancy due to their migraines.


    People suffering from regular migraines despite medication might consider investing in a yoga mat.

    That's according to a new trial that tested the effects of a gentle yoga practice -- with slow-paced physical postures, breathing exercises and relaxation. Researchers found that people who added the practice to their usual migraine medication suffered about half as many headache attacks...

    A new clinical trial supports acupuncture as an option for reducing migraine headaches, and researchers believe doctors should inform patients it is a possible treatment.

    The Chinese study "helps to move acupuncture from having an unproven status in complementary medicine to an acceptable evidence-based treatment," said Dr. Heather Angus-Leppan, a neurologist who wrote an editorial th...

    There is no cure for migraines -- a headache disorder that can cause sensory disturbances and nausea -- but several new treatments may help people with the debilitating condition, a neurologist says.

    "Ten new treatments for migraines have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [FDA] over the past six years," said Dr. Stephen Ross, from Penn State Health Neuroscience In...

    If you have raging headaches and you spend a lot of time on your smartphone, a new study suggests you might want to put your phone down whenever you can.

    Researchers found that folks who use their smartphones frequently and have headaches or migraines also tend to need to take more medications than those with headaches who do not have smartphones.

    Of course, this study can't...

    Migraine drugs that might work for adults won't prevent the debilitating headaches in kids and teens, a new study shows.

    A number of drugs are used to prevent migraines, but treatment of youngsters has largely been based on the results of adult studies, the international team of researchers pointed out.

    What really works in kids? To find out, the researchers reviewed 23 stu...

    People afflicted with cluster headaches miss work twice as often as colleagues without the debilitating headaches, a new study finds.

    Cluster headaches are extremely painful headaches that last from 15 minutes to three hours, for many days, or even weeks, in a row. They're more common in men.

    For the study, Swedish researchers compared more than 3,200 working-age people who ...

    Sleep disturbances appear to be a trigger for migraine headaches, according to a new study.

    "We found that low sleep efficiency, which is the amount of time you're awake in bed when you're trying to sleep, was associated with migraines not on the day immediately following, but on the day after that," said study co-author Dr. Suzanne Bertisch, a sleep specialist at Brigham and Women's ...