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Resultados de su búsqueda "Seizures".

Resultados de noticias de salud - 46

A seizure doesn't always look like what you see in the movies, but a new survey finds most Americans don't know what the more subtle signs of seizures are.

“Anything that interrupts your brain's circuit can cause seizures, from tumors, infections and strokes to high or low blood sugar, or glucose levels, to inherited genetic features. And different types of seizures can present with doz...

For people with tough-to-treat epilepsy, seizures can be both frightening and dangerous, but a new experimental pill may bring significant relief to over one-third of them.

Dubbed XEN1101, the new drug reduced the frequency of seizures by more than 50%, or even eliminated them, in some patients with focal epilepsy who did not respond to an average of six other drugs.

"I am predictin...

American adults who have epilepsy and are Black or Hispanic are less likely than white adults to be prescribed the latest medications, according to new research.

“While finding the right medication is often a trial-and-error process that is based on the individual, studies have shown that use of newer medications improves outcomes, and some newer medications have fewer side effects,” ...

Growing numbers of Americans are suffering prolonged, life-threatening seizures known as status epilepticus, and Black people are nearly twice as likely to experience these seizures as white people.

These are the main findings from new research looking at hospitalizations for status epilepticus from 2010 to 2019 across the United States. Status epilepticus refers to ...

Seizures tend to get progressively worse over time in people with epilepsy, and a new study in mice suggests why that might be the case.

Seizures appear to prompt the brains of mice to produce more myelin, the insulating layer around nerve cells, researchers from Stanford University found.

This essentially rewires the brain, creating a vicious cycle in which more seizures cause more...

A bout of COVID-19, even a milder one, may raise the risk of having a seizure in the next six months, a large new study suggests.

Researchers found that of over 300,000 Americans who had suffered a case of COVID-19 or the flu, COVID sufferers were 55% more likely to be diagnosed with a seizure or epilepsy in the next six months.

And a deeper look showed that the increased risk was a...

As the United States faces critical shortages of baby formula, parents are being cautioned against watering down formula in an effort to stretch out what they have.

"Adding extra water to baby formula to try and make it last longer can put a child at risk of a seizure or another medical emergency," said Dr. Gillian Schmitz, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)....

There's good news for women with a mental health condition: Taking antidepressants early in pregnancy doesn't increase a baby's risk of having epilepsy or seizures, researchers say.

"The findings of this study are very important," said study co-author Ayesha Sujan of Indiana University Bloomington. "Pregnancy can be a trying time, and the addition of

  • By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 12, 2022
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  • With summer comes warm weather and swimming. But for some people, knowing how to swim may not be enough to ensure their safety.

    That's because certain medical conditions bump up the risk for drowning in a big way, according to a new Canadian study.

    About one in three adults and children over age 10 who drowned in Canada between 2007 and 2016 had a chronic health condition, the stud...

    A brain implant that helps control severe epilepsy in adults may do the same for children who suffer from unrelenting seizures, new research suggests.

    The study is one of the first to examine the responsive neurostimulation (RNS) system in children.

    RNS has already been approved b...

    Every year in the United States, a few hundred children die suddenly and without explanation. Now researchers have found gene variants that may contribute to some of those tragic deaths.

    The hope, experts said, is that understanding the underlying mechanisms will eventually lead to ways to save lives.

    Since the 1990s, the term

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 28, 2021
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  • Kids with autism have low levels of a protein that quiets overactive brain cells, which may explain why so many have epilepsy, according to a new study.

    Because the protein can be detected in cerebrospinal fluid, it may have promise as a marker to diagnose autism and as a potential treatment target for the epilepsy tha...

    Fever-related seizures in young children can be alarming for parents, but they're usually not life-threatening, an expert says.

    During a so-called febrile seizure, a child may lose consciousness, experience body stiffness and have full-body shaking. The seizures -- which typically last a minute or two, but can go on longer -- rarely require medication, and the majority don't require hospi...

    Genetic testing can help guide management and treatment of unexplained epilepsy in children, new research suggests.

    "A genetic diagnosis impacted medical management for nearly three out of four children in our study," said study author Dr. Isabel Haviland. She's a postdoctoral research fellow in neurology/neurobiology at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

    In the ...

    People with a longtime history of epilepsy show signs of rapid brain aging that may raise their odds for developing dementia down the road.

    This is the key finding of new research reporting that the brains of people with epilepsy that began in childhood appear to be about 10 years older than the brains of people without a history of this seizure disorder.

    Individuals with epilepsy w...

    Claire Wiedmaier experiences epileptic seizures so bad that she's broken teeth while in their grip.

    "I have some fake teeth. I broke my two bottom front teeth," said Wiedmaier, 23, of Ankeny, Iowa, who these days can expect to have at least four seizures a month.

    Knowing when to expect a seizure would be a big help to her.

    "It would be nice to know, because then I could get so...

    Sit. Fetch. Stay.

    Detect seizure.

    Yes, you read that correctly.

    While many dogs are adept at following basic instructions such as "sit" and "roll over" with some practice and the promise of a treat, new research shows dogs can detect seizures by scent up to an hour before they occur, potentially saving their human's life.

    An estimated 3.4 million Americans have epilepsy,...

    Danish researchers have found genetic causes for epilepsy in half of children they studied and said half of those could be treated with targeted therapies.

    That's the upshot of genetic testing of 290 children born between 2006 and 2011. Some had been diagnosed with epilepsy. Others had had seizures along with a high temperature; they were either long seizures or consciousness was not rega...

    Since 2008, anti-seizure drugs have carried a warning that they may increase users' suicide risk. But a new analysis finds no evidence of such a risk with newer medications.

    Researchers found that five medications approved since 2008 showed no link to suicide risk among patients who participated in clinical trials of the drugs.

    The findings, they said, argue against the "blanket" wa...

    "Shock" therapy often helps lift severe depression, but fear and stigma can deter patients from getting it. Now a large new study is confirming the treatment's safety.

    Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), as it's medically known, has been around for decades. For almost as long, it's been seen in a bad light -- fueled by disturbing media portrayals like those in the 1975 film "One Flew Over th...

    All children should be screened for conditions that may put them at risk for cardiac arrest or death, a new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement recommends.

    The screening should be done whether or not kids play sports, and it is particularly important as they begin middle school or junior high, the statement says.

    It updates 2012 guidelines and was published online ...

    Long-term use of anti-seizure medications in babies who had seizures soon after birth may not be necessary and could be harmful, a new study suggests.

    Newborns who have seizures after birth are at risk of long-term conditions such as developmental delays, cerebral palsy or epilepsy, so they're given anti-seizure medication to treat the electrical brain disturbances that cause their seizur...

    New research gives insight into why people with epilepsy are at increased risk of sudden death during sleep.

    The study found that both sleep and epileptic seizures work together to slow heart rate, and that seizures also disrupt the body's natural regulation of sleep-related changes.

    These factors can sometimes lead to sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), which caused the 20...

    CBD oil used to curb seizures in a 2-year-old with epilepsy may be linked to the boy developing signs of a very early puberty, a British case study reports.

    The incident is outlined in the April 15 issue of the journal BMJ Case Reports.

    Doctors reported that since birth the boy had experienced about 20 seizures a day and they were increasing over time. Prior research has su...

    COVID-19 can harm multiple organs in the body, including the brain. Now, a new study says some hospitalized COVID-19 patients have non-convulsive seizures that may increase their risk of death.

    "Seizures are a very common complication of severe critical illness. Most of these seizures are not obvious: Unlike seizures that make a person fall down and shake, or convulse, seizures in critica...

    Despite training that teaches police officers to use neck restraints, there is no medical justification for the tactic, three neurologists write in JAMA Neurology.

    The killing of George Floyd, who died in May 2020 after an arresting police officer pressed a knee to his neck for more than eight minutes, helped spark a nationwide conversation about racial injustice.

    While Fl...

    COVID-19 can cause a wide range of neurological complications, even in patients who are not critically ill, a new study shows.

    Since the start of the pandemic, it's become clear that infection with SARS-CoV-2 can affect organ systems throughout the body. That includes problems affecting the brain and nervous system -- ranging from altered mental states to seizures to strokes.

    In the...

    Loss of taste and smell are common in COVID-19 patients, and it often occurs before other symptoms, a new study says.

    It included 93 people, average age 63, with COVID-19 who were admitted to an Italian hospital in March. None of them ended up in intensive care.

    Loss of smell and taste was reported by nearly two-thirds (63%) of the patients, and lasted an average of 25 to 30 days am...

    Children with tough-to-treat epilepsy now have another choice to help them live a life free of seizures, a new study suggests.

    MRI-guided laser interstitial thermal therapy, a minimally invasive procedure for kids who have drug-resistant epilepsy, is successful in more than half of all cases and has a short recovery time, researchers report.

    To arrive at that conclusion, the inves...

    Ambulances made fewer trips transporting patients with asthma emergencies in New York City after the Affordable Care Act went into effect, new research shows.

    The likely reason for the decline: Patients had greater access to outpatient management of their condition, the researchers said.

    "Our research suggests that giving access to affordable health insurance to people with asthma c...

    Kids who have a fever-related seizure after getting a vaccine won't have developmental and behavioral problems as a result, according to a new study.

    These so-called febrile seizures do not affect children's development whether they occur after a vaccination or not, the researchers said.

    "A febrile seizure can occur following vaccination and understandably can be quite dis...

    The main focus of epilepsy treatment is seizure control, but the aftereffects of seizures are also a major concern for many patients, experts say.

    More than 70% of people with epilepsy say they have complications after a seizure -- including confusion, fear, exhaustion, headache, emotional reactivity, memory problems and behavioral changes -- that can last for hours or days, accor...

    Prescription-grade CBD may help control hard-to-treat seizures caused by a rare genetic disorder, a preliminary study suggests.

    The study involved 224 patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) -- a genetic condition that affects about one in 6,000 people, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. It causes noncancerous tumors to arise throughout the body, and -- in 90&...

    Three drugs used to treat severe seizures in epilepsy patients are equally effective, a new study finds.

    The three medications -- levetiracetam (Keppra and Roweepra), fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) and valproate -- are commonly used to treat patients with "refractory status epilepticus." In these patients, severe seizures continue after treatment with benzodiazepine medications.


    Exposure to natural substances with psychoactive effects -- including marijuana, kratom, magic mushrooms and nutmeg -- triggered more than 67,300 calls to U.S. Poison Control Centers over nearly two decades.

    That's an average of 3,743 calls a year between January 2000 and December 2017, or about 10 calls a day, according to researchers at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Oh...

    Most of the time, Eva Wadzinski is a typical college student. Then suddenly, she isn't.

    Wadzinski has epilepsy and has disruptive seizure clusters as often as 40 times a day.

    They are not typical "Hollywood" seizures where people convulse (tonic-clonic seizures), making it harder for people to understand what she's going through. Instead, Wadzinski has a variety of what's ...

    Higher levels of the brain chemical serotonin are linked to a lower risk of potentially deadly seizure-related breathing pauses in people with epilepsy, researchers say.

    The findings suggest serotonin may help protect people with epilepsy from this threat, according to the authors of the study published in the Sept. 4 online issue of the journal Neurology.


    Having a cheeseburger with that CBD-infused product? A new study suggests that fatty foods might boost the body's absorption of cannabidiol (CBD).

    In 2018, CBD capsules received U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval for use in patients with seizures, but how food affects absorption of the drug has been unclear.

    In this study, University of Minnesota researchers examine...

    There have been 118 more reports of e-cigarette users suffering seizures since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration first warned the public about the danger in April.

    That brings the total number of reported cases to 127 between 2010 and 2019, the agency said Wednesday.

    However, the additional cases don't necessarily indicate a rise in the rate or number of such incidents, ...

    Make sure rubber, not your skin, meets the road: When skin touches sunbaked pavement, serious burns can quickly set in.

    In sizzling regions like the Southwestern United States, all it takes for a severe burn is 2 seconds of unprotected skin-on-asphalt contact, experts say.

    "Our research shows that in our city, the risk starts when the ambient temperature reaches 95 degrees F...

    Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy is rare and thought to mainly affect people with hard-to-treat seizures, but a new study suggests that even people with well-controlled epilepsy may be at risk.

    That was especially true if someone had missed their last dose of medication or was sleep-deprived, the researchers found. Drinking too much alcohol was also implicated in some of the sudden...

    A 20-year-old collapsed at a music festival with a first-time epileptic seizure. While terrifying, his case wasn't unique, according to researchers who found that flashing strobe lights triple seizure risk in susceptible concertgoers.

    "Regardless of whether stroboscopic light effects are solely responsible or whether sleep deprivation and/or substance abuse also play a role, the appro...

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned on Tuesday that there have been reports of teens experiencing seizures after they vape.

    "Seizures or convulsions are known potential side effects of nicotine poisoning and have been reported in scientific literature in relation to intentional or accidental swallowing of nicotine-containing e-liquids," FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb sai...

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often occurs in people with epilepsy. Now, new research provides reassurance that taking ADHD medications won't raise their risk of seizures.

    For the study, researchers analyzed data from thousands of epilepsy patients in Sweden. Taking ADHD medications such as Ritalin (methylphenidate), was associated with a 27 percent reduction in seiz...

    How long patients who faint should be monitored in the emergency department hinges on their risk for serious disease, a new study says.

    In most cases, fainting is harmless. But some people faint due to serious medical conditions, including an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Because arrhythmias can come and go, patients are sometimes kept in the emergency department (ED) for eight to...

    How long patients who faint should be monitored in the emergency department hinges on their risk for serious disease, a new study says.

    In most cases, fainting is harmless. But some people faint due to serious medical conditions, including an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). Because arrhythmias can come and go, patients are sometimes kept in the emergency department (ED) for eight to...